
Lower Clarence Aborigines.

1907, July 13. Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889-1915), p. 4.

The Member for the Clarence has received the following letter from the Board for Protection of Aborigines : Referring to your communication of 21st ult., In regard to the aborigines camped on Ulgundabi Island, near Maclean, I any directed to inform you that tho Board have recently approved of the, erection of five (5) huts on this Reserve, at a. cost of 146 pound. As regards the suggestion that two plough horses, a plough and harrow should be supplied, I am to explain that, with the exception of, three acres under sugar-cane, the Island is uncleared, and there, is no grass available ; consequently, the Board are unable at this stage, to supply horses, etc. However, a local offer has been accepted to plough three acres of the land, when it is ready, and the supply of 8cwt. seed-potatoes, a number of tools, and two tanks has been approved.